Practice Time Rewards
If you ask any great musician or college athlete the secret behind their success, they will definitely include one word in their answer: PRACTICE! How is it that the key to success (practice) can become a dreaded activity for music students? I think the answer lies in the way they view practice.
Once students begin to view practice time as a creative outlet for developing musicianship, they begin to enjoy the act of practicing. For example, one student decided to give her mom daily “concerts” of the pieces she was learning. Instead of dreading practice time, the student looked forward to sharing her music with an audience. Another student radically changed her view of practice by using an app to accompany her melody line on the piano. She was so impressed by the way her pieces sounded that she couldn’t wait to find squeeze more practice time into her daily routine.
At Dawson Music Academy, we believe that practice is key to a student’s success as a musician. We encourage students to invest practice time so they can meet their musical goals. Because we care about our students, we want them to enjoy practicing. Additionally, we think students should be rewarded for their hard work.
That’s why we share Monthly Practice Charts with students. These charts provide students with a tangible record of their practice time each week. In weekly lessons, instructors specify individual practice goals with students. At the end of the month, students who met their goals receive a special prize. Admittedly, the best reward of all is not the special prize the student receives. It’s the fact that the student has become a better musician.
We are committed to providing students and parents with resources to encourage practice and help develop musical talents. To begin lessons at Dawson Music Academy today, click here to register for lessons.
Contributor Kimberly Jones is a mother, wife, and the Director of the Dawson Music Academy at the Dawson Family of Faith.