The Gift of Easter’s Song
When I was a kid, I loved making up songs. The way my grandparents told it, I’d stand on the coffee table in their living room and sing and dance for hours while they patiently watched. One time, I got a little too excited and fell into the corner of the table, gashing my face right between the eyes. I still have a scar there to this day.
This Easter season, we join together and offer our music to Christ as we celebrate His resurrection. We play and sing with hope and gratitude as we give thanks for the Gift that has brought us forgiveness and everlasting life. These songs started long before we started singing them. Even the early church was celebrating Christ’s resurrection through music. Consider these lyrics to a song in Paul’s letter to the Corinthian churches.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
So, this Easter, sing a little stronger and play a little fuller. Dance and sing and celebrate that Good News!
Contributor John Woods is the Music & Worship Pastor of the Dawson Family of Faith.