Dawson Music Academy 2024 Celebration Sunday
Each student of Dawson Music Academy is invited to participate in Celebration Sunday on November 10. During our Sunday Worship Services, we will celebrate the talents of Academy Students. We will end the morning by treating students and their families to a “sweet” celebration with some special refreshments. Click here for 5 reasons to join the celebration.
Celebration Sunday provides an opportunity for all Academy students to play together. This year, Academy students and Dawson Orchestra members will play a special arrangement of “O Praise the Name,” with parts specifically written for Academy students in honor of our 20th anniversary celebration. Orchestra members, a piano ensemble, and vocal students will join together in one accord to celebrate the gift of music. We hope all of our Academy students and their families will join us for Celebration Sunday 2024!
Celebration Sunday
Sunday, November 10
8:30, 9:45, 11:00 Worship Services*
*Each student will play in ONE service time, which will be assigned based on registration forms.
Group Rehearsal Time
Wednesday, November 6
5:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m.
Student Participation
To participate in the celebration, sign up by October 4.
Musical Details
Orchestral instruments, a piano ensemble, and a praise band will join together in one accord to celebrate the gift of music. The music for “O Praise the Name” has been customized for students so that each Academy student can be successful. Vocal students will sing “His Mercy Is More” as they share their talents in Worship. During weekly lessons, teachers will share musical details and help students prepare for the celebration!
Sweet Celebrations
After each Worship Service, students of the Academy and their families are invited to join us for a “Sweet Treat” as our thank you for sharing their talents with us. Please click here to make your reservation to join the celebration.