Celebration Sunday’s Joyful Students
Special thanks to Dawson Music Academy students who participated in Celebration Sunday on May 7. Over 50 Academy students and instructors joined with Dawson Orchestra members to play “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee.” Students’ friends and families joined them for morning worship and stayed for a special luncheon afterward. It was a wonderful celebration!
During Sunday Worship, Orchestra members, a piano ensemble, and vocal students joined together to celebrate the gift of music. The music for “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” was customized for students so that each Academy student could experience success. Students, ranging in age from 4 to 67 years old, shared their talents. By joining together with other musicians to play, Academy students developed new musicianship skills. Playing with an orchestra helped students experience the joy of musical ensembles. Additionally, Academy students connected with mentors in the Dawson Orchestra.
Dawson Music Academy is thankful for each student who is part of our Academy. We enjoyed celebrating students’ talents in our Sunday Worship Service during Celebration Sunday. Thanks for being part of the Celebration!
At Dawson Music Academy, we like to help students experience the joy of music. Come and see for yourself. Register for lessons today.
Contributor Kimberly Jones is a wife, mother, and the Director of the Dawson Music Academy at the Dawson Family of Faith.