5 Superhero Celebrations from Summer Music Camp
If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be? It’s a hard question to answer. At Summer Music Camp, we decided musical superpowers are some of the coolest powers to possess. Here are 5 superhero celebrations from summer camp:
Superhero Campers
Campers became “Superheroes in Training” for a week. Campers showed superpowers as they explored music, friendships, and games. Captain Courageous visited our Opening Rally each day to remind us to be strong and courageous as we trust in God. Our camp theme verse reflected our goal to “Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid, do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Superhero Talents
Campers displayed superhero musical talents all week long. Through various music activities, we activated superpower movements of staccato (jumpy) and legato (smoothly). We also explored superpower sounds of forte (loudly) and piano (softly). At Friday’s Recital Celebration, it was impressive to hear the progress students made after just five days of camp! Campers did a great job of activating their superhero talents!
Superhero Counselors
Superhero counselors spread fun and excitement throughout the week. Some counselors saved the day by lending a helping hand during instrument time. Other counselors shared funny stories and silly smiles. All of our counselors made sure that campers enjoyed music, friends, and other camp fun.
Superhero Games
From superhero strength challenges to superhero speed races, we activated various superpowers each day. On Spirit Day, campers dressed as their favorite superhero. Teams joined together to show their team spirit with creative team cheers. On Water Day, teams raced on the Slip N Slide inflatable and in water relay games. Whatever the game, superpowers saved the day!
The One True Hero
Campers enjoyed dressing up as superheroes and imagining what awesome superpowers we would like. However, our superhero powers will always be limited to our imaginations. During Worship Rally, we explored the one true hero: God! He is powerful, loving, and rescues us. Our camp chant reminded us that “Every hero has a hero, but the one true hero is God.”
Thanks for a terrific Music Camp 2024! We enjoyed celebrating music with you. We’re already looking forward to Music Camp 2025 (July 7-11). Hope to see you next summer!
Contributor Kimberly Jones is a wife, mother, and the Director of the Dawson Music Academy at the Dawson Family of Faith.