5 Reasons to Join the Celebration
Dawson Music Academy will host a special celebration this fall. We are excited about celebrating with our students on Sunday, November 10 during our Sunday Worship Service. Here are 5 reasons we hope all students will join this celebration.
Celebrate Your Progress
It’s exciting to think back over the past few years and look at the musical progress each student has made. Join together with other Academy students to celebrate the new skills learned and the progress made.
Connect with other Student Musicians
There’s something special that happens when musicians join together to play. Students playing in one accord develop new musicianship skills and become connected with other musicians.
Experience an Orchestra First Hand
In addition to playing with other students, Academy students will be joined by Dawson Orchestra Members. Students and orchestra members will join together to make a joyful sound in worship.
Share Your Talents
Each student has a unique talent. As students develop their talents, it’s awesome to be able to share those talents with other people and offer their talents in praise to the Lord.
Enjoy “Sweet” Celebrations
After each Worship Service, all students and their families are invited to join us for a “Sweet Treat” as our thank you for joining the celebration. Simply click here to reserve your spot.
Celebration Sunday provides an opportunity for all Academy students to play together. Academy students and Dawson Orchestra members will play “O Praise the Name.” Orchestra members, a piano ensemble, and vocal students will join together in one accord to celebrate the gift of music. We hope all of our Academy students and their families will join us for Celebration Sunday 2024! Click here to join the celebration.
Contributor Kimberly Jones is a wife, mother, and the Director of the Dawson Music Academy at the Dawson Family of Faith.