4 Reasons Students Like Ignite Bands
Through Ignite Student Bands, students experience the thrill of making music with other musicians. When asked what they like about Ignite Student Bands, here are the top 4 reasons students share:
1) Experience Live Music
One of the best features of Ignite Bands is playing live music with other musicians. As band members develop their style, they form a musical personality. Through playing together, bands develop a group sound that characterizes their music.
2) Embrace Musical Creativity
Music provides a great outlet for self-expression. Playing in a band setting allows musicians to learn new styles of music as well as to explore new sounds on their specific instrument. Bands also develop a student’s individual improvisation skills. By listening to other members in the band, students increase their individual musical creativity.
3) Explore Stage Performance
Many musicians are natural-born performers. They enjoy using music to entertain other people. As young musicians develop their confidence, bands provide a great platform to learn about stage performance. Band musicians join together to identify the best way to communicate through music.
4) Enjoy New Friendships
As band members get to know each other, new friendships develop. Students encourage each other as they share their accomplishments as well as their challenges. Having a group that shares a passion for music quickly opens the door for relating to each other in other areas.
Ignite Student Bands allow musicians to explore their talents in a new setting. Come experience first hand the fun of playing with a band. To participate this semester, click here.
Contributor Kimberly Jones is a wife, mother, and the Director of the Dawson Music Academy at the Dawson Family of Faith.