3 Music Camp Rewards that Private Lessons Lack
Are you looking for a summer camp that will incorporate fun, music, and friendships all in one week? Summer Music Camp at Dawson Music Academy is a perfect fit! We’ve designed daily camp activities to promote music exploration and team spirit, all the while ensuring that kids have fun. After all, it is summer, so FUN is at the top of every kid’s priority list. As a parent, we know you want the investment of summer camp to pay off. Take a look at the top 3 rewards your child receives through a week at music camp.
1) Musical Experience with Variety of Instruments
Has your child expressed an interest in a favorite musical instrument? If so, summer camp provides a great opportunity to see if it’s a good fit for their personality and interests. Campers are grouped by ability and age so that each musician can enjoy taking the next step in their musical journey. In addition to their primary instrument, campers participate in Instrument Exploration activities to try out various instruments. Often times young musicians discover a passion for guitar in addition to their passion for piano. Camp provides a great opportunity for discovering new instrument interests.
2) Role Models in Peer Musicians
Positive role models captivate students in a way that words alone do not. One of the best experiences at camp is the opportunity for campers to interact with other musicians. Last year, one violinist shared that camp helped her realize that other violinists her age could successfully play some of the exercises she was working on with her private lesson teacher. In realizing her peer’s success, she gained new motivation and confidence in her own talents. She invested more focused practice time at home and soon mastered the exercises that previously seemed impossible to play.
3) Confidence in Playing with Other Musicians
Many young musicians experience creative inspiration when they play with other musicians. There’s something special about joining with other musicians to make music. Playing with other musicians who are the same age builds creativity, leadership, and ownership. Musical skills learned at camp complement and build upon the skills learned in private lessons. As campers join together in small groups to play their instruments, their confidence levels increase. They also have fun. Music sounds better when we all play together.
Summer Music Camp is a great way for campers to discover new musical adventures! During this fun-filled week, campers will enjoy exploring music, making new friends, and celebrating Jesus. We’d love for you to join us for this week of fun! Click here to sign up.
Contributor Kimberly Jones is a wife, mother, and the Director of the Dawson Music Academy at the Dawson Family of Faith.